[Mapserver-users] Raster Projection

Hubert Fröhlich hubert.froehlich at bvv.bayern.de
Fri Jan 24 06:50:49 EST 2003

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

randy james wrote:

Hi List

I have some orthophotos in geotiff format. Some are in
albers equal area and some are UTM, projection. H have
been trying to reproject on the fly, but i cannot seem
to  get it to work. The map projection is UTM so i do
not have a problem with the orthos that are already in
UTM, but cannot get the AEA orthos to load.

Been reading the list, and seen that raster layers are
used as is and cannot be reprojected on the fly. Is
this correct?

Is it possible to use shape tile index on the
orthophotos, and reproject the shape file? I thought
someone may have tried, if not i'll give it a try


MapServer configured with PROJ and GDAL support (and TIFF disabled)
can reproject rasters on the fly; however, there are some limitations.

  o You can't generally mix images in different projections in an index
  o A given raster layer can only have one projections.
  o If the file is handled through the non-GDAL TIFF driver reprojection
    won't be supported.
  o This stuff works in 3.6.x and 3.7dev and is likely working best in 
the 3.7


what is (roughly) the difference between native TIFF/GeoTIFF support and 
support by gdal? Seems that gdal is more capable? (you mentioned 

What happens if I compile with native tiff support AND gdal support? 
Does this make sense? (Or should I REALLY compile only with 
--without-tiff  ? )



Dr.-Ing. Hubert Fröhlich
Bezirksfinanzdirektion München
Alexandrastr. 3, D-80538 München, GERMANY
Tel. :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2980
Fax  :+49 (0)89 / 2190 - 2459
hubert.froehlich at bvv.bayern.de

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