[Mapserver-users] Undefined symbol 'gdImageGif'

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee
Mon Mar 24 16:33:47 EST 2003


We are successfully running MapServer 3.5 on Apache 1.3.27/FreeBSD 4.7.

Now we would like to try out PHP Mapscript.

I downloaded the source of MapServer 3.6.5 and ./configured it with the
same options that were used for 3.5, adding only --with-php:

./configure \
 --with-jpeg=../jpeg-6b \
 --with-freetype=/usr/local/bin/freetype-config \
 --with-gd=../gd \
 --with-png=../libpng \
 --with-tiff=../tiff/libtiff \
 --with-eppl \
 --with-ogr=../gdal/ogr \
 --with-proj=../proj \
 --with-eppl--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \

(note: I modified the FreeBSD's mod_php4 port so that it is installed 
as CGI).

After some trouble (the mapscript/php3/Makefile needed adjustments, as 
I found out from the mailing list archives) everything finally built 
fine. But when I try to load the module with dl(), I get this error:

Warning: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/php_mapscript.so' -
/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/php_mapscript.so: Undefined symbol
"gdImageGif" in /home/sirvi/tartukaart/load_mapscript.pcgi on line 2

It looks like PHP has trouble finding the gd library. From somewhere on 
the mapserver.umn.edu pages I read that this might mean that my PHP 
does not support dynamic modules, but this information was about PHP3 
and I cant find anything about enabling/disabling support for dynamic 
modules in PHP4 documentation.

I even specifically rebuilt PHP with GD support (it wasn't used in the 
beginning), but this didn't change anything.

PHP info at: http://www.tartu.ee/tartukaart/index.pcgi
Error at: http://www.tartu.ee/tartukaart/load_mapscript.pcgi

Toomas Aas | toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Testicle -- n., a humorous question to an exam.

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