moving to shared hosting

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at MAIN-TASK.COM
Tue Dec 7 10:06:53 EST 2004

Jon Saints wrote:

>Has anyone expirience with moving a mapserver app with
>php mapscript to a shared hosting environment?
>I have been learning mapserver on a develiopment
>server using debian GIS project's packages. It
>includes phpmapscript. On my development server I have
>root access. On  the live server I have root access to
>my home space only. PHP is globally installed.
>what problems might i face? any advice from those you
>attempted this in the past?
I had a succesful experience with it, but it was necessary to compile
apache and php and put the apache to run in another port (8080), because
apache and php must be compiled in certain non-standard way.

Besides that, it was a little complicated because it was necessary to
compile several packages in a non-standard path
(--with-prefix=/home/me), and in some cases I needed to modify the
Makefile files in order to make the compiler link with the correct library.

If you need the detailed commands I used, please send me an email and I
will send it to you.

Best regards,

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

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