raster not showing

didier.georgieff didier.georgieff at AGRICULTURE.GOUV.FR
Tue Dec 7 12:11:35 EST 2004

Dear Ethan,

Thanks for your response. In fact i sent the message too early by
mistake. A detailed one follows.

Le mar 07/12/2004 à 17:57, Ethan Alpert a écrit :

> Unfortunately MS gives you plenty of rope to hang yourself. When things
> don't show up it is usually a misconfiguration in the mapfile.

I tried to have exactly the same itasca syntax.

> If you
> get the mapfile syntax wrong you'll get an error but if you get
> something like PROJECTION,UNITS, etc wrong you  get nothing.

I guess it's my case.

> The first step in debugging why a raster doesn't show up is to make sure
> you know what it's projection is and make sure your map file represents
> it.

Projections are the same for the shape files and the TIFFs. And i give
no projections at all in the map file.

Should I do ?

> The Raster Data how-to actually has some nuggets in it:
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc42/raster-howto.html

Thanks. I read it this afternoon. No luck since.

> When this happens to me I try to display each layer separately to make
> sure that part works then put them into a single map file. You can use
> the mapserver CGI in mode=map map to quickly and easily load mapfiles
> with different layers and see if they work or don't. The key is to come
> up with ways you can diagnose your problem.

Yes. I tried but couldn't find a simple CGI URL for just display the
TIFF. I'll try to look deeper.

> Just keep in mind that it is
> very rarely an actual bug (especially if you're just getting started)

Oh yes. I realy don't suspect a bug. I can witness on my dumbness ;-))

Thanks a lot for your response.

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