How to render a layer with HTML/JS with MapServer 4.4.0 (configuration problem)

Ivano Picco ivano.picco at AQUPI.TK
Mon Dec 13 06:18:46 EST 2004

Hi list!
In my previous posts I tried to explain my problem with the SVG generation
by some Query request and using SVG template. On my last post I pointed out
a problem with the query when someone try to load all points of all geometry
on a layer, the only way to get the point to build the SVG document.
Now I'm trying a new way to get points, maybe better than the old:
I found html output support for a single WMS layer in the mapserver (version
4.3) included on OpenEV_FW 1.8.2 package. With this i can get the points
with a simple GetMap request (using WMS url) and with Javascript I can build
my SVG document on the fly with the client's browser.
The 4.3 version included on OpenEV_FW has some problem with Oracle Spatial,
so  I have to use the last mapserver build, but I can't add html support to WMS.
What do I have to do? Do I have to change the Map file?, or do I have to
rebuild my binary? If so, what does the configure need?
Thanks for your support,
sorry for my english,
Ivano Picco

Against the same (the glourious Itasca demo :)) the old 4.3 gives
me this response during a GetCapabilities request:
where 4.4.0 gives:

This it 4.3 mapscriptvars:
-I. -I/usr3/pkg4/OpenEV_FW_Tree/OpenEV_FW/include -I/usr/local/include
-L. -lmap
and this is mine:
-I. -I/home/mapserver/include -I/home/mapserver/lib/arcsde/sdeexe90/include
-L. -lmap -L/home/mapserver/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -ljpeg
-lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/home/mapserver/lib -lproj -ljpeg
-L/home/mapserver/lib/arcsde/sdeexe90/lib -lsde90 -lpe90 -lsg90 -lpthread
-ldl -lgdal -lming  -lcurl -L/usr/kerberos/lib -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lssl
-lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcom_err -lk5crypto -lresolv -ldl
-L/home/mapserver/lib/oracle/ -lclntsh -lc -lm -lstdc++

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