RPM packages of MapServer and prerequisites available

Schuyler Erle schuyler at NOCAT.NET
Wed Dec 22 17:59:40 EST 2004

* On 22-Dec-2004 at  6:29AM PST, Daniele Margotti said:
> Very interesting thing!
> A couple of questions:
>  - would these RPMs work also with new Fedora Core 3?

Possibly. Alternately you could rebuild them from the source RPMs in
the archive. This should not be too difficult.

>  - do we need a particular configuration of our Fedora distribution
> (e.g. install or NOT install some programs/packages/libraries, etc.)?

Not that I know of. If these RPMs become popular, I would be willing
to set up a bug tracker and accept patches to the spec files.

>  - is your RPM MapServer still Oracle-spatial and/or MySQL-spatial
> enabled, or spatial extension only works with postgresql?

I don't use either of those two, so offhand I would have to guess not.
Personally I'm unlikely to ever use Oracle but I could be probably
persuaded to support MySQL and/or accept patches to make the SRPMs
look for Oracle libs when built (and not fail if they aren't present).
Try them out and let me know?

>  - are these RPMs only for server purpouse or do they configure a
> (almost) full GIS destkop workstation?

Well, Linux is Linux IMHO ;-) I use these RPMs both on my webserver
and my desktop, so, sure, why not. I would be willing to add other
packages to the archive if there are things that people want and would
use. I've been thinking of adding gpsbabel, gpsd, and one or more of:
QGIS, Thuban, and/or OpenEV.

Thanks for your interest.


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