ArcIMS Emulator and ArcGIS 9sp2

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 23 09:36:26 EST 2004

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 09:50:16 -0500, Ed McNierney <ed at> wrote:
> Of course, SP2 breaks ArcIMS emulators, but it also adds WMS support
> into the core product; see
> for the instructions.  As a result, I'm inclined to abandon further
> ArcIMS emulation support and tell ESRI users to use WMS!

I tend to agree with Ed's point. We need promote the use of standards,
not the use of "Defacto Standards", which is what I see the ArcIMS
emulator as doing.The ArcIMS emulator is a nifty hack, but it puts one
more brick in the ESRI wall, whereas requiring ESRI users to avail
themselves of standards-based tools takes a brick out of that wall. It
reminds the ESRI user that there is a bigger world out there.

The WMS capabilities in ArcGIS 9.0 SP2 appear to be very good in my
limited testing. There is also an OGC add-on for ArcGIS 8.3 and one of
the free ESRI viewers (the Windows one I think) which are less capable
than the SP2 interface, but still quite functional.

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

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