confused about WMS request behavior

Jeff Hoffmann jeff at PROPERTYKEY.COM
Mon Dec 27 14:39:58 EST 2004

I'm using Mapserver 4.4.0 to serve WMS requests in both meters and US
feet and I'm seeing something strange in requests for the "US feet"
version at relatively small scale levels.  The way I have it set up is
that I have one configuration file to deliver the image in meters and
then one configuration that is effectively just a relay that accepts the
coordinates as feet and whose only layer is a WMS request to the meters
configuration.  This is working fine for larger scale images, but on
small scale images, it appears to convert the feet to meters and then
back to feet before sending the request on the the meters configuration.
What is causing mapserver to think that it should convert ft->m->ft in
certain situations?

Jeff Hoffmann
jeff at

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