[Mapserver-users] retain button state

Steve McCrone ms57 at streamyx.com
Wed Feb 4 04:26:59 EST 2004

I am using jBox and I wish to retain which button was enabled after form
submit. As you can see from below I have placed some GIFs on my page and
then use some javascript functions to produce the effect of a typical GIS
applciation where one tool is enabled.

However, when the user zooms in and the form gets submitted, then I wish to
keep the zoomin tool enabled (i.e.place the /graphics/ZoomInDown.gif) and
enable the zoomin functionality, as done in the cse statement. This is more
of a pure javascript issue, but since I'm no expert in js, thought i would
ask to see if anyone can piece together my caode to make it work.



<a href="" onclick="return false" onmousedown="clearimg();"
onmouseup="on('image1');"><img src="/graphics/ZoomInUp.gif" border="0"
alt="Zoom In" name="image1" width="23" height="20"></a>
<a href="" onclick="return false" onmousedown="clearimg();"
onmouseup="on('image2');"><img src="/graphics/ZoomOutUp.gif" border="0"
alt="Zoom Out" name="image2" width="23" height="20"></a>

var NN3 = false;
image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "/graphics/ZoomInUp.gif";
image1on = new Image();
image1on.src = "/graphics/ZoomInDown.gif";

image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "/graphics/ZoomOutUp.gif";
image2on = new Image();
image2on.src = "/graphics/ZoomOutDown.gif";

function on3(name)   {
 document[name].src = eval(name + "on.src");

function clearimg(){
 document.image1.src = image1.src
 document.image2.src = image2.src

NN3 = true;
function on(name)  {
 if (NN3) on3(name);
  case "image1"://Zoom In
   document.mapserv.mode.value = "browse";
   document.mapserv.zoomdir.value = 1;
  case "image2"://Zoom Out
   document.mapserv.mode.value = "browse";
   document.mapserv.zoomdir.value = -1;

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