[Mapserver-users] Max number of layers craps out at about 295

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Thu Feb 12 21:17:22 EST 2004


I have a mapfile with more than 300 layers and it works just fine.  I
don't know what your exact situation is but you can't possibly be using
all 700 layers at once, can you?  I have noticed that you also changed
your MAXCLASSES to 700 and MAXCOLORS to 700.  Why?  Do you really need
to specify that many classes in a layer?  Try lowering the MAXCLASSES
and putting MAXCOLORS back to 256.

Like I said, I don't really know what your situation is but you might
need to rethink how you'd accomodate all those layers in MapServer.  Are
each of the layers so unique that you can't combine (union, merge,
whatever) them?

One more thing, are you sure that 295 is the max layers that your
mapserv program can display, or is it that layer #295 has problems? 
With that many layers, debugging can't possibly be fun.

OK, I promise this is the last thing... since your error message isn't
sufficiently detailed. I used to get a similar error message which
turned out to be due to corrupt shptree indices (this was back in the
3.3/3.4 days but you never know).  Do you have .qix files?  Try moving
them out of the way.

Good luck!
-Perry N.

PS: Does your web server's error log say anything about this?

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 17:27, Stephen Clark wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to get the max number of layers that MS will read from a
> *.map file to be 500 or more.
> Once I exceed about 295 layers the MAP file will not be displayed.
> The error I get is 'The Memory could not be "read".' with some hex
> codes displayed.
> I have attached my "map.h" file as reference.
> Is there some other file that have to modify to be able to increase
> the number of layers?
> thanks
> Stephen

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