[Mapserver-users] Error in TIGER to shp conversion !!!!

Dharani Babu dharanibabus at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 27 05:46:47 EST 2004

Hi all
  I am trying to render TIGER files with mapserver . I am using 
CONNECTIONTYPE OGR and got the CompleteChain , Landmarks , PIP displayed of 
TGR33015 file(s) . But as I am not able to get the names of locations 
displayed I tried to convert the tiger files into shp files .
I tried this way

c:/>openev>ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefiles" shp 

here shp is the folder I want the translated shape files to be in . But I 
got the errors

Error 6: Can't Create fields of type IntegerList on shapefil layers
Error 1 : Attempt to write feature without geometry not supported for 
shapefile driver
Error 1 : terminating translation prematurely after failed translation of 
layer Landmarks
I checked the /shp folder and found that the following files are in ..
It seems only above mentioned layers are converted into shp files . I found 
the total list of layers avble from ogrinfo<tigerfolder>
1: CompleteChain (Line String)
2: AltName (None)
3: FeatureIds (None)
4: ZipCodes (None)
5: Landmarks (Point)
6: AreaLandmarks (None)
7: KeyFeatures (None)
8: Polygon (None)
9: EntityNames (Point)
10: IDHistory (None)
11: PolyChainLink (None)
12: PIP (Point)
13: TLIDRange (None)
14: ZipPlus4 (None)
So how to get all these layers translated ? or is it the default behavior of 
ogr2ogr when it comes to TIGER translations ? Could any of you help me 
understand this ?
with regards and thanks
dharani babu

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