[Mapserver-users] Mr. SID to GeoTIFF

bean at vt.edu agillesp at vt.edu
Tue Jul 13 11:35:44 EDT 2004

I have aerial imagery in Mr. SID format and I use a LizardTech utility to 
convert the sid image to a geo tiff.  I can view the resulting tiff in an 
image viewer, however, when I load it in MapServer (via PHP), I get the 
following error:

[MapServer Error]: drawTIFF(): Only colormapped and grayscale images are 

More info:
- The tiff is color.
- The utility offers the following options:
  -h or -?
  show short usage message

  show detailed usage message

  -v or -version
  show version information

  don't show informational messages

  -log STRING
  write output to log file

  -progress STRING
  progress meter style: none | default | timer

  -i or -input STRING
  input file

  -o or -output STRING
  output file

  -watermarkFile STRING
  watermark file

  -watermarkPosition STRING
  position of watermark: CENTER, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_RIGHT, UPPER_LEFT, 

  -drmin or -dynRangeMin UNSIGNED-INT
  minimum dynamic range

  -drmax or -dynRangeMax UNSIGNED-INT
  maximum dynamic range

  -drauto or -autoDynRange
  automatic dynamic range adjustment

  -wf or -worldFile
  generate world file

  -sh or -stripHeight UNSIGNED-INT
  strip height

  -ulxy FLOAT0 FLOAT1
  upper-left of scene (x,y)

  -lrxy FLOAT0 FLOAT1
  lower-right of scene (x,y)

  -cxy FLOAT0 FLOAT1
  center of scene (x,y)

  size of scene (width,height)

  -s or -scale SIGNED-INT
  scale of scene

  -coord or -coordspace STRING
  coordinate space of scene: geo | image | resrel

  -jpg or -jpeg
  output is JPEG

  -tif or -tiff
  output is TIFF

  -tifg or -geotiff
  output is GeoTIFF

  output is BMP

  output is BIP

  output is RAW (same as BIP)

  -pwd or -password STRING
  password to decode image

- I used the following command with the conversion utility:
mrsiddecode -i do_s03_9540_00.sid -o do_s03_9540_00.tif -tifg

Thanks for any help.

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