[Mapserver-users] grid

John Beisley - RSG josb at pml.ac.uk
Mon May 10 05:39:29 EDT 2004

Armin Wäspy wrote:

>hello everybody,
>i need help.
>here my problem:
>i want to change the grid in my map. 
>i have one gridlayer with 
>	  "proj=latlong"
>	  "ellps=WGS84"
>    "datum=WGS84"
>  END
>this works.
>but now i want another layer with an utm-rid.
>i tried
>	  "proj=utm"
>	  "ellps=WGS84"
>    "datum=WGS84"
>  END
>and with epsg-code. but no one works.
>is there anybody who knows how to define an utm-gridlayer projection correctly?
You need to specify a zone for the region you are projecting. This is a 
number from 1 to 60 and is either north or south hemisphere. E.g.


The zones start in the USA and increase in number in an easterly 
direction, if I remember correctly.


- John

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