PHP/Mapscript - Layer Color

Terry Wood terry at WOODTROOP.COM
Wed Sep 1 12:23:19 EDT 2004

    I am using PHP/Mapscript version 4.2.2 and I cannot figure out how
to change the color of a layer. If I filter an existing layer (with a
WHERE clause) I get output, but I cannot change the color of the layer
on the screen.

Here is a section of my code :

// Load Mapscript

<>// Load MapServer .map file

<>$map = ms_newMapObj("/data/maps/");

// Query

$layer = ms_newLayerObj($map, $map->getLayerByName("Parcels"));

$layer->setFilter("parcelid IN ('0000-27-009-012-0-001-01','0000-14-008-008-0-001-01')");


// Draw Map

$img = $map->draw();

$url = $img->saveWebImage();

I am not going to show all of my failed attempts at changing the layer
colors... Anybody know how to do this?

Terry Wood

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