Spatial filter on point shapefile

Anja Berkhout anja.berkhout at ARIS.NL
Tue Sep 14 08:06:01 EDT 2004

I used the executeWFSGetFeature() function to create a GML-file with the
coordinates and attributes of all polygons from a shapefile. My
questions are:

- is it possible to use a query during executeWFSGetFeature to only
select a few or one polygons from my shapefile? ( for example "[code] >
10" or "[NAME] = 'something'" )

- how can I use the resulting coordinates for one polygon from the
GML-file to select points (from another shapefile) within this polygon?
To show these selected points I make a copy of my point layer and I want
filter only the selected points.
I thought about some spatial filter but can't figure out which request
to use.

Anja Berkhout

ARIS - Adviesburo voor Ruimtelijke Informatie Systemen
        Hooghiemstraplein 126    Tel.  +31-(0)30-2769180
        3514 AZ  UTRECHT         Fax.  +31-(0)30-2733578
        The Netherlands          Email Anja.Berkhout at

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