Spatial filter in SLD

Anja Berkhout anja.berkhout at ARIS.NL
Thu Sep 16 10:53:49 EDT 2004

Dear list,

I try to create an SLD string (in PHP) with a spatial filter as follows:

$szSLD = '<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0">'.
          "<gml:Polygon srsName='EPSG:28992'>".
          '130036,477272 130256,477116 '.
          '130664,477865 130819,477642'.
          '<CssParameter name="fill">#ffff00</CssParameter>'.

After that I use applySLD to apply the spatial filter to a layer, but
nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
When I use a filter like <PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> it works fine,
and two classes are created in the layer.



ARIS - Adviesburo voor Ruimtelijke Informatie Systemen
        Hooghiemstraplein 126    Tel.  +31-(0)30-2769180
        3514 AZ  UTRECHT         Fax.  +31-(0)30-2733578
        The Netherlands          Email Anja.Berkhout at

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