points in a multipolygon set from oraclespatial

GIRAUD Pierre bluecarto at FREE.FR
Thu Sep 23 06:47:32 EDT 2004

Hi list,

Today, I'm in front of a particular problem. For a customer, I need to
render oraclespatial data.
In the database, I have shapes with a '2007' SDO_GTYPE, that says
multipolygons. Hopelessly, in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY, including the
polygons (2003), some points (1003) can be found. Curious for a
multipolygon, and you might want to say that it'd better be a Collection
(2004) ! But I can't modify data.

The problem is that if define my layer with an oraclespatial
connectiontype, the layer is rendered. On the other hand, with an
OGR/OCI connectiontype, mapserver crashes.

Any idea ?


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