
cnoversa cnoversa at DSI.UMINHO.PT
Tue Sep 28 10:29:41 EDT 2004


After doing a particular request to MapServer, all I want is to get a
subset of the returned GML document.
To do it, I was thinking about using JAXB. The first step is to bind the
generated schema. But that´s where the problem starts.
So, to be sure that JAXB is able to do the binding of the opengis
schemas, I started with WFS-basic.xsd but with no success.
I get lots of error messages...

[ERROR] cos-ct-extends. The content type of a derived type
and that of its base must both be mixed or both be element-only. Type
'BinaryOperatorType' is element only, but its base type is not.
  line 37 of expr.xsd

[ERROR] e-props-correct.4: The {type definition} of element 'Add' is not
validly derived from the {type definition} of the
substitutionHead'ogc:expression', or the {substitution group exclusions}
property of 'ogc:expression' does not allow this derivation.
  line 11 of expr.xsd

Does anyone have any experience with MapServer and JAXB? Is it possible
to do the binding of  the schema resulting from a particular MapServer


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