Projection issues with WMS layers

sandnarrows ken at SANDNARROWS.COM
Wed Sep 29 11:52:52 EDT 2004

I have a MAP setup with a custom projection, its a lambert equal area


So anyways, the projection works fine internally. If I add shp file
layers of different projections they line up appropriately. Further I
have a quick view tool that zooms to some specific extents that's given
in a different projection and it zooms to where it should when the tool
is used. However when I add WMS layers to the map, they are not
positioned properly, well least not at full extent. If I start off
viewing all of canada the WMS layers (also for all of Canada) get
squished towards the top of the map. However the more I zoom into my
map, the closer they get to their proper position. I have looked in my
EPSG file for the WMS projections to make sure that wasn't the problem,
further if I setup a MAP with another projection from the EPSG file then
the WMS layers work fine.

Anyone have an idea on whats going on?



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