photoshop geotiff

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Thu Sep 30 15:44:34 EDT 2004

joerg p wrote:
> One more question (and a lot more in the next post :-)
> The datum of the file is completely dropped (WGS84). How do I set it? I
> tried:
> gdal_translate.exe -a_srs "+datum=WGS84" daten/test.tif
> daten/test_transl2.tif
> but of course it doesn't work.


Is the data in a projection or just lat/long?  If it is just lat/long
you could do:

gdal_translate.exe -a_srs "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84" \
                    daten/test.tif daten/test_transl2.tif

But if it is UTM but now has the wrong datum you will need to set the
whole coordinate system properly.  You can't just substitute in a
new datum with gdal_translate.

gdal_translate.exe -a_srs "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84" \
                    daten/test.tif daten/test_transl2.tif

> I think the XML Package tag in question was put in by Photoshop.
> How can I give you a sample? The original file has around 220MB...

No easy way to cut out a small chunk with the same issue?

> Maybe you have also some suggestions for my next post
> 'basic questions for my project'

Perhaps, if I haven't already missed it.  But I see i have a heap of
email already accumulated in my "mailing lists" folder so don't hold your
breath. :-)

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
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