GetCapabilites Request

jithesh at jithesh at FLASHMAIL.COM
Mon Aug 1 10:34:14 EDT 2005

Hello Friends / Jeff,

We are developing a phpmapscript program where we use a
number of scale dependant layers. We use $layer->minscale
and $layer->maxscale to set the scale range at which the
layers have to be drawn.

We get the all the scale dependant layers drawn perfectly.
But, we are unable to get proper results for the drawquery
function. When we query the scale dependant layers we get
results from the layers for all the query functions but the
selected objects are not hilighted. We use STYLE HILITE in
the mapfile.

At the same time, all the layers which do not bear the
minscale and maxscale parameters (the layers that draw
throughout all the zoom scales) are working perfectly with a
query. The selected objects are hilited with color specified
in the querymap.

Can anybody suggest a solution for the same? why the scale
dependant layers are not hilited during the query?

We have tried with different versions of phpmapscript
starting from version 4.0.x to 4.6.

Expecting a reply from any of the user group
members...phpmapscripters at dmsolutions...

Thanking you in advance


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