Problem with POINT layer in PostGIS

Dirk Jesko jesko at GEOCONTENT.DE
Fri Feb 4 08:59:34 EST 2005

Hi Astrid,

> that's how I would write the Data-Parameter:
> DATA "the_geom from mypoints"
> or if I want to make a query or pick up a query
> DATA "the_geom from (Select * from mypoints) as foo using unique oid
> using SRID=31468"

These versions, including "the_geom from mypoints using SRID=31468",
should work since they do with the polygon layers.

> Your epsg is GK4 43567.
> That means for example coords like: 3456787 5612345.

True, it is GK4 and the points are GK4 (e.g. 'POINT(4472182.82183688
5774780.49966084)' or 'POINT(4472640.42792268 5777239.6753829)'), since
otherwise the shape would not display either.

> I wonder, why your INSERT-Statements look like that:
> INSERT INTO mypoints (gid, the_geom) VALUES (0,
> '0101000020EC7A0000BAF998B45D0F51417B71FA1F6F075641');

The INSERT is fine. The geometry is just specified as Well Known Binary
instead of Well Known Text. It seem that the new versions of PostGIS use
WKB instead of WKT as the standard.

> And one more question: Is the a row in your geometry_columns-Table for
> your table mypoints?

Yes there is.

> Hope that will help

Thanks for the try, but unfortunately my points still do not appear if I
use PostGIS.


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