problem with shp2mysql: not an array reference

Gregor Mosheh stigmata_blackangel at YAHOO.COM
Tue Feb 8 23:20:22 EST 2005

First off, thanks to those folks who, in regards to my
question about MyGIS, pointed me to the Wiki. Very
informative and helpful.

So, I'm trying to convert a shapefile to MySQL using and I get the error "Not an array
reference at line 235" This is after the shapefile has
been opened (it does properly list the dbf attributes)
and after the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys
tables are created, but as the first geometry item is
being processed.

I popped open the script and, although I'm pretty good
with Perl, I don't have enough background to know what
it's trying to do nor what's going wrong. I'm hoping
someone else has seen this problem before and can save
me a few dozen hours of troubleshooting.

The Perl shapelib binding is Geo-Shapelib 0.12, and
this is the that came with MapServer
4.4.1. The MySQL is version 4.1. The shapefile is line
data, and I can post the shapefile (4 MB) if

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