UnsatisfiedLinkError with Java Mapscript and Tomcat even with dll in path and singleton working

Miller Joseph miller_joseph at BAH.COM
Wed Feb 9 09:45:58 EST 2005

I looked through the archives and saw no resolution on this so I thought
I would contribute what solved this for me.  
Umberto Nicoletti (and others) have done a great job providing resources
on the Wiki to avoid having the native libraries loading twice
(http://www.unicolet.org/mapserver/tomcat.html) .  There are other
messages that explain that you need to put the mapscript dll and other
supporting dll's into your windows system path in order for
System.loadlibrary to work.  But I found that I was still getting
unsatisfiedlinkerrors until I put the mapscript jar file into tomcat's
common\lib directory (the same place where I put the jar containing
Umberto's singleton class).  If I put the jar into the local classloader
for my application, the singleton would load the native mapscript
library, but could not use the classes from mapscript.jar.
Hope this helps someone avoid the headaches I experienced.
Joseph Miller
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