WFS GetFeature Filter multiplicity

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Wed Feb 9 20:15:59 EST 2005


Can MapServer WFS Server handle filter with multiple conditions within
logical operators?

I find that if I try a PropertyIsLike query within an Or block, it only
handles up to two PropertyIsLike conditions.

This works:

 <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>

This works:

  <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>
  <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>

This does not work:

  <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>
  <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>
  <PropertyIsLike wildCard='*' singleChar='.' escape='!'>

It looks like the third PropertyIsLike condition is totally ignored and
not queried.  That is, if I enter a search term which I know will only
satisfy the 3rd PropertyIsLike condition, I get no results.

I haven't tried this with the other operators, but I'm guessing the
behaviour would be the same.


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