MapServer requirements

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Fri Feb 11 09:33:34 EST 2005

kevin.sweeney wrote:
> Hello all.
> I am thinking of using MapServer for an application I need to build but was
> wondering what the minimum software and hardware requirements were to
> install it on my computer.


The software is pretty straight forward with respect to requirements and
  will depend on what features you plan to use. Read the installation
guides on the website. I assume you have downloaded it somewhere and
have some knowledge of how to install it. Probably the biggest issues he
is what OS are you planning on using, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, other.

As for hardware, this is a harder question to answer because you have
not provided enough information. Like, what kind of data are you
serving, how much data will you have, what is the application, how many
hits do you expect to server during peak loads, what kind of response
time are you looking for, how much redundancy is required, etc.

-Steve W.

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