Mapserv.exe under Apache doesn't finish requests

Dijken, M. van (Martin) Martin.van.Dijken at RIJNMOND.POLITIE.NL
Fri Feb 18 08:53:15 EST 2005

Hey Frank,

> Is the WFS you are operating against public?  If so, I would
> encourage you to prepare a minimal map that demonstrates your
> problem so that others can reproduce it and possibly fix it.

Afraid not. It's a very closed source thing that runs on a closed network.

> If you boil it down, you may need to submit it via bugzilla.

Hehe, the boiling down part is where I've got the problem. I don't know any
more how to debug this. Got any hints?

> I will note that there are limitations on MapServers (aka
> OGR's) GML reader.  Perhaps the WFS server is returning a GML
> result that is unreadable to OGR?

Hmm, that sounds rather unlikely. The same stuff runs on my WinXP box with
IIS(vs win2003 and Oracle AppServer) without a problem. Also I've of course
opened the gml files OGR writes and they look complete except for the fact
that they suddenly just stop partway through a GML file. The size also
doesn't seem to be the problem, I've seen different sizes go wrong. I've
tried just opening the GML url and that's not the problem either, the GML is
complete in my browser.

Thanks for the help so far,


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