search tool

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Mon Feb 21 10:36:30 EST 2005

You need to write or aquire some geocoding software to do this.   If your
map is within the United States,  there is a pretty good geocoding library
for perl that you can get from CPAN.   Look for geo::coder::US.    It will
do geocoding based on the US Tiger street data.   You have to import the
tiger data into a db file first that is time consuming and annoying to do,
and takes a lot of RAM... I have yet to be able to make a db file of the
whole US but if you are geocoding only an area it works pretty good.   Tiger
data isn't perfect and this library isn't perfect but i'm able to geocode
probably 70% of the addresses i've attempted.... and it can geocode street
intersections as well, so if you aren't able to get a result from an address
you can use the nearest intersection instead.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Smith" <msmith at SANANGELOMPO.ORG>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 10:01 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] search tool

> Hi list,
> I have mapserver up and running on IIS 6 using CGI mode, maps looks and
> diplay fine.  Can anyone on this list point me in the right direction or
> provide any advice on searching my maps.
> Basically what I would like for my users to be able to do is go to my
> site,
> type in a street name or address, hit enter, and pull up a map window
> zoomed
> to that particular street.  Can this be done in CGI mode or do I need
> something else to do this?  Thanks for any help on this I have been stuck
> on
> this for a while.
> Mike Smith

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