wfs server with postgis data

Neil Best nbest at SPEAKEASY.NET
Fri Jul 8 17:25:50 EDT 2005

Me again.  Right now I am getting some XML back from my GetFeature request,
but it's the "msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): Query error" exception.  My working
theory is that I don't understand enough about managing users in Postgres,
which I am trying to accomplish through phpPgAdmin.  I presume that when I
tell Mapserver to connect via localhost then the relevant line in
pg_hba.conf is of the form "host dbase user
METHOD".  If I use the "trust" method wouldn't that allow me to create a
user for MapServer called "ms" that requires no password (what's the point
of putting a password in a text file that's visible on the web?) and limit
that user to only SELECT?  In my postgres.log I don't see any attempts to
connect by this user.  I do see occasional ominous "FATAL:  database
"template_gis" is not currently accepting connections" messages -- I'm not
sure what template_gis is or who might be accessing it.  In general, what
configuration gives the best combination of ease and security for postgis
connections?  I'll be happy to flesh out any details if anyone has any
thoughts.  Thanks for looking this over.


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