Where to install Mapserver?

Bill Chappell bill at POCONOGIS.COM
Mon Jul 18 11:34:45 EDT 2005

Ok, I'm a new user and I'm confused trying to find a clue.

Basically I've in inherited a few mapserver projects that I have to update
and move from a UNIX to a windows platform. I'm currently playing with it on
an XP-pro platform before I move it to a win2003 server using IIs.  While I
understand the map files and I can modify them on the UNIX server, the
windows install has been a nightmare. I have tried so many things (shotgun
approach) now that if I get it running, I'm not sure what files are really
in the right place.  I've been through the permissions hell and believe I'm
ok with that. I've also tried the MS4W app on my laptop but that is not
helping with my current question.

A quick search showed I had mapserv.exe located in c:\mapserver,
c:\mapserver\bin, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin.
A http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? Gives me a run/save/cancel dialog,
not the "No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty." I
expected. Yet because of a path variable mapserv.exe -v appears to be
I plan on using PHP/ chameleon-2.2 and a clue where to place these
files/folders would also help. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Bill Chappell
Bill at PoconoGIS.com

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