Wishing we had COLORRAMPs or something

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Wed Jun 29 11:07:52 EDT 2005


I will add some thoughts to the bug. Off the top of my head, I am 
thinking it would be nice to have something like:

RAMPBREAKS 0 5.2 27.3 ... 503.4

Which would be used to slot the RAMPITEM into discrete ranges instead of 
  continuous interpolation. This would get converted to something like

switch (RAMPITEM) {
   case <=     0: under_range;
   case <=   5.2: slot=0;
   case <=  27.3: slot=1;
   case <= 503.4: slot=n;
   default: slot=over_range;

then use slot 0 .. n for lookup on the ramp and

OVERCOLOR  210 210 210
UNDERCOLOR  92  92  92

These makes it very flexible the user point of view, and we have all the 
information to compute varying slots on a ramp, and for create legends 
based on discrete slots.

Also, on the COLORRAMP allow multiple RGB points so you can have more 
colors. Like:

COLORRAMP 0 0 255   255 255 255   255 0 0

for a ramp that goes from Blue to white to red

I need to play with it more, and I will add these thoughts to the bug.


Right, I did not use a style, I will try that when I get a chance tonight.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 6/28/05, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
>>Hey, this sounds great!
>>I will give it a try. I knew you had done some work in this area, but I
>>did not realize it was in 4.6 which I am using.
> Steve,
> I believe the decision was to not document it as a supported
> feature for 4.6 so that we would have time to fiddle and improve
> it some more.  However, I too am keen to have some people
> use it and provide feedback with the understanding that the
> mapfile syntax and approach may change a bit by 4.8
> when it would hopefully "stabilize" as a supported feature.
> Best regards, 

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