OGR and GetFeatureInfo with ODBC

Gunter Becker gunter.becker at CSOGIS.DE
Mon Mar 7 02:57:30 EST 2005


i have an ODBC Database with point information and using OGR to access it
for my MapServer-Application. This works fine. Now I want to make a
GetFeatureInfo-Request (WMS) on this Layer in MapServer. The question is
how do I define my SQL so that I get a result for my GetFeatureInfo-
Request. The only result I get is an empty GML-File.

I've seen the solution for an OracleSpatial DBTable that must have a
column named OGR_FID. But this doesn't seem to work for a database using

Is the GetFeatureInfo-Request on OGR via ODBC possible at all? If yes than
please help me find the solution.

Thanks Gunter

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