How can I allow/deny a layer if I browse the map from Intranet/Internet?

Daniele Margotti margottid at COMUNE.LUGO.RA.IT
Thu Mar 17 04:23:27 EST 2005

Hi list,
I have a layer with ortophotos: I can legally use these ortophotos in
Intranet application, but I cannot/won't show them I someone browses the
map from Internet.

I use cgi-bin Mapserver on a server that is both on the Intranet and on
the Internet.

Is there a way to block the visualization of ortophotos layer if the
request comes from the Internet?

Unfortunately, I cannot use two different templates (one with
"ortophotos checkbox", and one without it) since everyone can "create"
his own map using cgi-bin Mapserver syntax (and activate/deactivate
layers even if they are not in the template).

Perhaps this is a more Apache-related question...
I can configure my Apache with many VirtualHosts (based on the
ServerName, that is different if accessed from Intranet or from
Internet), but I need ad idea to prevent Mapserver reading certain files
(or certain directories) if invoked from Intranet or from Internet.

Can you help me?


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