Projection problems...

Sebastian Podjasek info at MORENET.PL
Mon Nov 28 13:17:48 EST 2005

I have strange problem with projection. I'm using Transverse Mercator on
Europe dataset with following settings:

PROJECTION "proj=tmerc" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=20" "ellps=krass"
"towgs84=28,-130,-95,0,0,0,0" "units=m" END

And on 'edges' of map and in very small scale I get strange results, lines
are disappearing, polygons are painted
partially and so on. You can view results produced by Mapserver in three
different projections on this site:

Every image represents almost same area north of Dublin/Ireland which is far
from my center line (20 E).
Is this 'normal' behavior in this projection or maybe there's some kind of

Sebastian Podjasek

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