GDAL/OGR 1.3.1 Released - Building failed on Windows with MinGW

david techer davidtecher at YAHOO.FR
Thu Oct 6 13:05:17 EDT 2005

Tamas is right!

I tryed myself to compil it on Windows using MinGW and Msys but without any success.

BTW, is there someone who can give me the commands he used to compil on Windows

with MinGW/Msys. There is GDAL FAQ and the mailing-list and I tryed from the archive

but if someon can just give to me the commands he did...

Since I'm used to compiling/building PostgreSQL/PostGIS/Geos/Proj on windows, if I do it

for gdal it will be a great help...




Jean David TECHER
e-mail: davidtecher(at)yahoo(dot)fr

Tamas Szekeres a écrit :

>Thank you for the release. However in order to compile SWIG with C# some
>modifications should be made in the makefile and some typemaps should be
>On Tue, 4 Oct 2005 15:32:51 -0400, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at POBOX.COM>
>>I am pleased to announce the release of GDAL/OGR 1.3.1.  This is mostly a
>>bug fix release, though there are a few new and improved drivers.
>>Docs / Web site:
>>Test Suite:
>>The major news with this release is that the "Next Generation" Perl,
>>and Ruby bindings are now considered ready to use, though I'm sure there
>>be some additional improvements to them in the coming months.  I would
>like to
>>give out a special thank you to Ari Jolma (perl), Charlie Savage (Ruby),
>>Kevin Ruland (Python + overall NG work) and Howard Butler who have put in
>>huge amount of effort on these bindings.  If we can get champions for
>>C# and PHP that are willing to brave the dark depths of SWIG, I'm sure we
>>make good progress on them too.
>>Best regards,
>>I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
>warmerdam at
>>light and sound - activate the windows |
>>and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
>>GDAL 1.3.1 - Overview of Changes
>>Next Generation SWIG Wrappers (GDAL and OGR):
>>- Python, Perl and Ruby bindings considered to be ready to use.
>>- C#, Java, PHP are at best initial prototypes.
>>- Added configure options for most NG options.
>>PCRaster Driver:
>>- libcsf is now included as part of GDAL.
>>- PCRaster enabled by default on win32.
>>- --with-pcraster=internal option now supported on unix (but not yet
>>VSI Virtualization:
>>- The "large file API" (VSI*L) has been re-engineered to allow installing
>>  additional file handlers at runtime.
>>- Added "in memory" VSI handler so that now any driver using VSI*L
>>  functions for data access can operate on in-memory files.
>>- PNG, JPEG and GeoTIFF drivers upgraded to work with in-memory support.
>>Raster Attribute Tables:
>>- Implemented new Raster Attribute Tables support.  See the
>>  GDALRasterAttributeTable class for more information.
>>Erdas Imagine Overviews:
>>- Erdas Imagine driver upgraded to support building internal overviews.
>>- Generic overview handler updated to support overviews in Erdas Imagine
>>  format for any file format.  Set USE_RRD config option to YES to
>>- Added proper support for "unified source nodata", so the -srcnodata
>>  switch works well.
>>RIK Driver:
>>- New Swedish format driver implemented by Daniel Wallner.
>>JPEG Driver:
>>- Substantial improvements to EXIF support.
>>MrSID Driver:
>>- Updated with proper JPEG2000 support as JP2MRSID driver, including
>>  encoding with ESDK.
>>- Updated to support MrSID Version 5.x SDKs.
>>PNG Driver:
>>- Fixed serious bugs with 16bit file support.
>>- Added NODATA_VALUES to identify RGB sets that indicate a nodata pixel.
>>OGR 1.3.1 - Overview of Changes
>>Reference Counting:
>>- OGRSpatialReference and OGRFeatureDefn now honour reference counting
>>  semantics.
>>- Note that, especially for the OGRFeatureDefn, it is now critical that
>>  all drivers be careful with reference counting.  Any OGR drivers not in
>>  the core distribution will likely crash if not updated.
>>ESRI Personal Geodatabase Driver:
>>- New driver implemented for ESRI Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) files.
>>- Uses ODBC, enabled by default on win32.
>>ODBC Driver:
>>- Updated to support binary fields.
>>- Updated to support WKB geometry fields.
>>- Updated to support DSN-less connections.
>>S57 Driver:
>>- Added support for Inland Waterways, and Additional Military Layers
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