Performance Difference between 3.6. and 4.6

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Oct 13 17:15:55 EDT 2005

It would be helpful to compare apples to apples. To get around the compile
error try this:

Edit your Makefile and add "-lstdc++" as shown below to the end of the
variable named "STATIC_LIBS"


and rebuild.

4.x should be a bit slower than 3.6 simply due to the amount of abstraction
added to support new input and output sources. You shouldn't see the type
of hit you're hinting at though.

Try and get 'em running on the same box and report back.


>>> Steve Young <steve at SIERRACLUB.BC.CA> 10/12/05 4:28 PM >>>
This is a repost from a couple of weeks ago. I could still do with some
advice/info so rephrasing.
Can anyone tell me if I should expect a decrease in speed of image
rendering moving from version 3.6 to 4.6? Currently when displaying
tileindexed layer of approximately 200 shapefiles I get a big
performance hit. With 3.6 images are drawn in 2s or less, with 4.6 its
4s or more depending on the number of arcs being displayed. Both
datasets have been shptree'd and sortshp'd using their associated
executables. There are hardware differences, they both have 256Mb RAM
otherwise the 4.6 machine has a faster CPU and HD. 3.6 machine is
running on RH Linux 7 Apache 1.3. 4.6 machine is running Suse 9.1,
Should I expect any performance differences between Apache 1.3 and 2?
I've tried compiling 3.6.1 to run on the same machine as 4.6 version,
but I'm getting an "undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'" error
message on make. Looks to be something to do with gcc and g++, but I
haven't been able to find a solution. I'm not convinced I'm on the right
path, so any advice the list can give is appreciated.

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