PostGIS vs. mySQL

Rick Levine Richard_D_Levine at RAYTHEON.COM
Thu Oct 20 10:28:40 EDT 2005

Hi Martin,

There is recent lengthy discussion of this in the PostgreSQL mailing

You should look through this thread as there is tons of good info, though
mixed with lots of talk.

The main argument for PostgreSQL with PostGIS is that it scales to many
users at once better that MySQL, it is
SQL standard  compliant, and it maintains data integrity better.

But you need to tune it!  As installed out of the box it does not run well.
Please see the tuning threads
in the above archives for more info.



UMN MapServer Users List <MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU> wrote on
10/20/2005 02:02:59 AM:

> I tried to use MapServer with a PostGIS database. The performance was not
> sufficient. After this I tried mySQL and this was much better. What are
> advantages and disadvantages of these database-systems ???

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