FEATUREQUERY to find where a line and polygon intersect

Rick S rstoyle at COMCAST.NET
Fri Oct 28 13:19:17 EDT 2005

I am using the Mapserver CGI.

My goal is to determine all the polygons in LAYER_A that a line passes
through. Currently, I have an application that will successfully return
the polygon(s) that a specific point is in (using MODE=NQUERY). Now I want
to take it to the next step and use a multi-segment line instead of a
single point.

I have been trying to do this using the FEATUREQUERY and FEATURENQUERY
modes that use an SLAYER (Type POLYGON) with a single FEATURE object that
contains the points that make up the line (arranged as a closed polygon).
I haven't been having much luck getting the FEATUREQUERY to work though.

Before I spend more time with this, can anyone tell me if I am heading
down the right path? Is there an easier way?

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