Mapserver 4.8.1 linux installation problems

Neil "Nemo" Martinko nemo at IRONCOUNTYFOREST.ORG
Wed Feb 15 09:27:35 EST 2006

Be sure to check the permissions of the file.  While in the /var/www/cgi-bin

"ls -l"

There should be a line for your mapserv file like this...

"-rwxr-xr-x  1 nobody nobody 754320 Feb  6 10:28 mapserv"

If you have different permissions, run...

"chmod a+rx mapserv"

If you have different owner/group (the "nobody nobody" above)...

"chown nobody.nobody mapserv"

Rather than running just "./mapserv", it's better to run "./mapserv -v".  It
will output the version and supported inputs/outputs.

As for yum, it would be nice if somebody created a repository for apt/yum
access of MapServer, GRASS, QGIS, and all their needed dependencies.  I
haven't found one, yet.  It is possible, it just hasn't been done.


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