PHP/MapScript: How to add a point as an inline feature ?

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Wed Feb 15 09:46:05 EST 2006

Lars V. Nielsen (Hvenegaard) wrote:
> Appararently setting  $layer->set("transparency",MS_GD_ALPHA)  in MapScript
> trashes the mapfile layer setting  TRANSPARENCY ALPHA, rendering the symbols
> in the layer non-transparent. !??


I see in your previous email that you're using version 4.5. The constant 
MS_GD_ALPHA was added to PHP MapScript only in 4.6.0-beta1. You will 
have to either upgrade, or use "$layer->set("transparency", 1000)" (1000 
is the internal value of MS_GD_ALPHA).

BTW, while checking that, I noticed an issue with the msSaveMap() 
function in its handling of TRANSPARENCY ALPHA, but that should not be 
related to the problem that you describe above:

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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