HTML legend not created in mapserver 4.6.1

Vito Meuli vito.meuli at TECNOLOGIEAVANZATE.IT
Thu Jan 12 10:57:15 EST 2006

Hello, I posted this question a month ago but I riceived no reply.
I submit it again.

I have a problem with the HTML legend:

I have a mapfile with a HTML legend, and everything went fine until now.

My mapfile is becoming larger, and it seems that when the number of group of 
layers in the mapfile grows (I guess more than 12 groups), then the map is 
generated but not the legend any more, without giving any error, so I don't 
understand what the problem is.

In the source code I can't find anything like #MAXGROUPS or the like.

An other user (thanks Ken Lord!) suggested me to leave statements like 
ANTIALIAS TRUE out of cartoline styles, but I have no cartoline style at all!

I only have ANTIALIAS TRUE statements for labels.

Do you have any idea?

Many thanks in advance!

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