Searching for closest object in mapserver

Jelmer Baas baas at SPEERIT.NL
Mon Jul 3 10:19:04 EDT 2006

Abe Gillespie wrote:
> I'm not sure if you're using CGI (in which case I'm not sure) or not
> ... but if you are from the docs for layerObj:
>   int queryByPoint(pointObj point, int mode, double buffer)

> $layer->queryByPoint($myPoint, MS_SINGLE, $myBufferRadius);

Thanks for your answer, but DANG!. After I read your first sentence I 
knew that I forgot to add this. I *AM* using the CGI mapserver, on 
Windows with IIS and ASP. I'm not using the PHP stuff at all.

My next idea is to manually query mapserver and then parse the results 
with javascript. The problem is that I only get the beginning and end 
points of lines, so I have no clue how the line itself moves ;(

I'm still hoping that what I want is possible with CGI mapserver.

With kind regards,
Jelmer Baas

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