panning, zoom in, zoom out questions????????????????????????????????

P Kishor punkish at EIDESIS.ORG
Fri Jul 21 17:53:18 EDT 2006


On 7/21/06, Albert Anderson <bart_doggers at> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am using radio buttons of panning, zoom in, and zoom out.  Also a refresh
> button.  When I have the pan selected, uncheck a layer, and click refresh my
> projective image pans se foward.  Its not supposed to do that.  It should
> just take off the layer I want uncheck and leave the image alone.  Do you
> have an suggestions for me?

Assuming you are still working with the MapServer tutorial demo, the
radio buttons just select the action you want to perform (think of it
as a "runmode"), while the refresh button actually sends the request
back to the server to perform the selected action. The action itself
is made up of two major components -- what to draw (the layers), and
what area to draw (the area of interest). The "pan" "zoomin" etc are
just the latter portion of the action... the "what area to draw" part.

If you uncheck a layer and click the refresh button in the
application, that layer will be removed from the image, and the "what
to draw" will depend upon whether you have chosen "pan" or "zoomin,"
etc. However, don't use the browser's refresh button, because that
won't send back your choices... instead, that will send back the
choices from the previous GET.

I have a few suggestions --

1. Could you give us a link to your application so we may better
understand your problem? Your message is not entirely clear, at least
to me.

2. And, take off those extra ??? in the subject line. They just
distract, and don't make your question any more urgent than it is.

Hope this helps.

Puneet Kishor
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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