itemnquery and hilighting

Daniel Goetz madprof at GMX.CH
Wed Jul 26 02:58:02 EDT 2006

Hi mapserver-community,

I am working on a mapserver-project (running on a local mapserver-installation; ms4w 1.5.3). Client and mapserver shall communicate via CGI. Now I want to implement a query-function so that I am able to search for features by certain attributes. And I want them to be displayed (hilighted and zoomed on) on the map.

Therefor I am using "mode=itemnquery", I define a qlayer, a qitem and a qstring. To achieve that the mapextent fits to the selected features I define the value for "mapext" as "shape". Furthermore I define a QUERYMAP as it follows:

        STATUS ON
        COLOR 0 0 0

Last I define a querytemplate in the CLASS-object of the qlayer in the .map-file (it is the same template that I use for paning and zooming when I start the map-project).

So my URL-request for the query looks as it follows:


So far it works properly only with one confinement: Mapserver sends back as many maps as features fit to the query. e.g. 12 features have the value 13 in the TM_NR column of the database, so mapserver displays 12 maps in the browser window and on each map all the 12 features are hilighted.

But my goal is to get only ONE map where all features filtered by the qstring are highlighted and the mapextent fits to the extend of the higlighted features.

Has anybody suggestions how to achieve that. What is the right way? Please give me some hints.

Thank you so much for your time, your ideas and your help. Thank you.



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