MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE NTOS4.2

Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCAN.GC.CA
Fri Mar 3 13:11:57 EST 2006

No, the linking is dynamic so you just move the executable, and it starts
using the libs on the current box.  There was some incompatibility between
libraries, so I had to remove PNG and SSL/Crypto support from the excutable
I was compiling on 7.3 before moving it over. Like I said, it ran fine on
CentOS, using CentOS' libs, but the "bug" was still there ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Lowell.Filak [mailto:lfilak at] 
Sent: March 3, 2006 1:06 PM
To: Doyon, Jean-Francois
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] MapServer incompatibility with RHEL4/CE

Doyon, Jean-Francois writes: 

> I tried moving the RedHat 7.3 binary that I know works fine to a 
> CentOS 4.2 system, and wham, the problem appeared!
> I also investigated trying to run multiple glibc's to see if that 
> might be the problem (i.e. install the RedHat 7.3 glibc on CentOS for 
> the use of MapServer), but that looks like quite the nightmare to try out


Wouldn't the binary from the 7.3 box still be using the gd libs on the RHEL
box though, or did you statically links things.? 


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