How to edit your PostGIS data

Christian Wolf christian.wolf at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 3 15:42:19 EST 2006

Since a lot of people are using Mapserver together with a PostGIS db I'm
curious as how you maintain your data?

It seems there are no Tools to visually add/delete/edit spacial data in a
safe and reliable way. OpenJUMP, uDig, QGis, GDV Spatial Command, they all
show data alright, but come editing, they all more or less fail.

Is the only way to maintain your spatial data up to date by editing
shapefiles (or similar) and importing them to the db?

I'm just looking for a reliable way of users adding/modifying a line or
splitting a ploygon once in while.

Do I really have to my own tool to access the db directly?

How do YOU handle this? I'm sure I'm not the only one with these tasks at hand.

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