MinGW compile ok, but how does MS integrate with GD?

Erik Baluba erik1969 at MAILHAVEN.COM
Sat Mar 11 15:54:10 EST 2006


I just compiled a minimal Mapserver under MinGW and it seems ok. Now I will
try to add the other modules like gdal, oracle support etc. Did anyone
compile a MS binary under MinGW with support for many modules as well as

Anyway, I had to hack the configure script to make MS compile. The gdwin32
library was compiled with freetype, png, etc. Still, when I compiled MS it
did not detect that GD allready had these libraries compiled into it, and I
had to download and compile the freetype and all the other libraries first.
Then I compiled mapserver jusing the  "--with-module" option for all these
libraries.  But still, when I run "mapserv.exe -v "  it does not display the
"supports=freetype" parameter.
How do I tell MS/configure that it shouuld just assume that GD allready has
freetype,png etc and that it shouldn't bother with these libraries?


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