Your mapfile configuration tool: MapStorer

Sebastian Schmitz sschmitz at KARTAGO.DE
Wed Oct 4 11:11:14 EDT 2006


for your information:

at FOSS4G in Lausanne we presented the Open Source project MapStorer and 
got very positive feedback. MapStorer is a database supported system for 
managing MapServer projects based on either MySQL or PostgreSQL. It is 
implemented in PHP 5 and JavaScript and allows users to create, 
configure and manage mapfiles on the fly using an intuitive frontend. It 
comes with a plug-in architecture that makes it easy to extend its 
functionality by writing new plug-ins.

Alongside positive feedback, we also got a lot of surprised faces as 
many people did not know of the project beforehand, even though 
MapStorer adresses a common need - a mapfile configuration and 
management tool. Thus, I would hereby like to beat the drum for 
MapStorer on this mailing list and invite everyone to
- get more information at,
- experience MapStorer at 
(user: demo / password: demo),
- download your copy from sourceforge and use it (release 0.7) 
- get the sources from Subversion and contribute code (Repository 
- get on the user list and ask questions 
- get on the developer list and discuss the evolution of MapStorer 


Sebastian (for the MapStorer team)

KARTA.GO Gesellschaft für raumbezogenes Informationsmanagement mbH

Siemensstraße 8
53121 Bonn

Sebastian Schmitz

fon: +49 (0) 228 / 9 45 99 91
fax: +49 (0) 228 / 9 45 99 93
sschmitz at

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