Edit Query Files

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Oct 16 19:43:07 EDT 2006

Hi Jason: There is no existing way to edit or view those files. That said, the queryfile format is *very* basic. I'd have to go to the source to check for sure but I believe is a simple binary encoding that looks like:

[layer 1 index]
[shape 1 index] [tile index]
[shape n index] [tile index]
[layer 2 index]
[shape 2 index] [tile index]
[shape 2 index] [tile index]

and so on...

There might be a header that stores the number of layers and number of records involved (see mapquery.c for sure).

You'll see the query file format is very much tied to a mapfile and the order of layers within.


>>> Jason Sievers <j_siever at YAHOO.COM> 10/12/2006 3:59:26 PM >>>
I would like to know if there is any way to view and/or edit MapServer query files (.qy).  I ask this because I have an application where a query is performed and then the user may add or remove features from the results set.    I am using MapServer CGI 4.8.4.  Currently I accomplish this by managing an array containing all the UID's for the selected features.  Then I apply a FILTER to my map layer using the UID's stored in my array.  This works but the query string passed to MapServer's CGI program can be very large and even exceed the maximum URL length (~2000 for Internet Explorer).  I'm looking for a way to limit the length of my query string and using a query file would do that.  Any thoughts on the query file format would be helpful.
  Jason Sievers 
Linn County GIS 
Albany, OR 

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