Numeric Comparions in EXPRESSION Statements

James Card jdcard at INREACH.COM
Wed Oct 18 18:48:44 EDT 2006

I've got a CLASS that fails (no features are drawn) when given an  
expression like this:
   EXPRESSION ('[STATIONS]' >= '2' AND '[STATIONS]' <= '10')

All works as expected if the expression is changed to:
   EXPRESSION ('[STATIONS]' >= '10' AND '[STATIONS]' <= '20')

It seems that the comparison is treating all values as strings. If I  
remove the quotes trying to treat the values as numeric I get no matches  
at all. I've tried wrapping each term in the expression into its own set  
of parentheses to force it to be evaluated separately. I've read all the  
docs that seemed pertinent and searched the list archives -- I'm just not  
seeing what I need anywhere.

James Card  --

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